Sam's progress

A diary of my (probably mad) attempts to retrain an ex-racehorse.

Friday, May 19, 2006

One small step

I am sure things will not continue to run so smoothly on our path to elementary dressage but at the moment each lesson seems to be a hundred times better than the last! I had my third lesson last night and Sam was so good I could have cried – bless his cotton socks. Even though he still thinks the whole thing is a bit beneath him he picks everything up so quickly that when he finally does decide to co-operate the difference is brilliant. For at least a quarter of the time last night he was beautifully connected and moved in a lovely outline. Plus our major achievement was that he cantered on the right lead for both reins (albeit with at least ten attempts required on the left leg but lets not get into details)! What seems to be making the big difference is that my instructor is so good at explaining why I need to use certain aids and when that it is beginning to seriously improve my riding. This is probably the first time in fifteen years that my riding has gone up a level so there is hope for us both yet.

I will try and remember my camera for next week’s lesson so that I can (hopefully) show the improvements.


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