Sam's progress

A diary of my (probably mad) attempts to retrain an ex-racehorse.

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Beginning - June 2005

Although I am supposed to be a sensible type the means by why I landed up with Sam are a little random to say the least! Whilst looking for a house up north I went to lunch with some friends who live on a racing yard. After a quite boozy meal I thought I would stagger out and go and pat some horses. All of them were out in the field apart from one very black very bored looking beast who caught my eye immediately. After fussing over him for a couple of minutes the owner of the yard appeared and told me that Sam (the big black beast) was in the stable because he had fallen at his last race the previous week (he was a steeplechaser) and as he could no longer race they just wanted to find him a good home. (Almost) without thinking I offered to take him there and then and after a brief vet check (can't do a full one with a very lame horse) and handing over the same amount of money I now spend each month on livery (!) I was the proud new owner of an ex-racehorse!


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