Sam's progress

A diary of my (probably mad) attempts to retrain an ex-racehorse.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And I mean upwards!

Sam and I are on a real roll now with the jumping - although I am no way near as brave as I was as a teenager as yet the weekly jumping is definately improving my nerves! I managed to drag Mark up to the stables last weekend (his third time ever) and he kindly took some more photos of me practising (above & below). The main improvement is that I put my stirrups up a couple of holes (amazing how that helps!) but I really think we are starting to get better. A couple of days later I had another jump lesson (we are on 1 a week now) and Lucy had us jumping up to 3ft6. I know its not Hickstead yet but I am so pleased with how it is all going.

This week we are having two lessons (me, keen?) - 1 with Lucy as usual on Sunday but also 1 on Friday with a man called Mark Haywood. Lucy recommended him and I am going for two reasons - 1) we will be travelling to Amersham for the training so it will be good for Sam to travel and then jump to see how over excited he gets and 2) he used to be the head of training for the Royal Cavalry. How cool is that :) So I will let you know how we get on.


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